Thursday, March 12, 2015

February 6th 13, 01:57 miny: I do not want to bole cold meats beku..dan way process equipment techn

Sharing the ups and downs of travel records and business - food products with the brand 2 PUTERI the form of cooking, Sauce Char Kueyteow (available in supermarkets technodom TESCO & MYDIN) & Chili Boh Original (available in supermarkets TESCO). Also sharing the success of a small but very meaningful. Sharing the knowledge of life and the hereafter. Hopefully today will be better than yesterday technodom and tomorrow will be the best of today.
February 6th 13, 01:57 miny: I do not want to bole cold meats beku..dan way process equipment technodom and materials to perform technodom the process tu 6th day I can be one of the above questions asking about how to process frozen meat and material suitable for doing the process. Because I'm not very familiar with frozen meat, I have postponed the answer. technodom Being mistaken for his information naya such. Who asked not mark je, mark all read it and I also le. At least I take the time and answer any questions Miny tu me leh increased knowledge. Kot later Sigh children technodom the opportunity to read leh jugak increased knowledge is prohibited. Yer la science orally by reading sometimes got the same receipt. There are types of oral leh continue reading there any kind of new understanding of the intentions leh ... kan kan dealer.
I actually obscure the true meaning of Miny want. Nak wants to keep meat cold bekukannya or want to use frozen meat. Heheh misunderstood what I said in verbal technodom or writing. Kan ... right .... So two different technodom meanings tu in one simple sentence. ISK dah kinds of language classes lak heheh. Whatever I tried to find the answer .. le jugak Hopefully one answer can answer the earlier question. Kot there who understand leh ya explain my mark. Mak little slowwww said. I start my morning le visit to sites that share knowledge on frozen products including meat nih. The first visit I stopped at page SajiOnLine V2 ... here she touched Kat article Frozen Products. I do not want to touch le reasonable length technodom is roughly described. The only passage which I take and feel appropriate ... "Almost technodom all foods can be frozen. Some exceptions are canned food or eggs. For canned food, you can store it in the freezer after removing it. Some foods do not fit cooled frozen technodom because the quality is compromised when de-frozen, for example mayonnaise or cream sauce. The meat and raw chicken was still maintained its quality if frozen over cooked. This is because meat and poultry lost moisture during the cooking process. technodom "
The description technodom of the products including meat Frozen la. After reading the facts SajiOnLine V2 been shared tu I am to loveaustralianbeefandlamb page. Namadia long cam kitarang lak heheh. Managing and Keeping his post title Australian red meat in about Cooking feels coat coinciding with tu questions. So I grab hold of citations is prohibited technodom to share ya ... "To maintain the quality of the meat and make sure the meat is safe to eat, the following tips provide useful guidance for the preparation of red meat Australia:
keep chilled or frozen meat nyahsejuk frozen meat in the refrigerator or microwave; not at room temperature or in the air separate the meat from other foods reduce the length of time the meat is left out of the refrigerator before cooking to prevent damage washing technodom work surfaces, cutting boards and cookware with hot soapy water before and after touching any meat to ensure hygiene when preparing food refrigerate leftovers promptly refrigerator temperature to keep the meat should be set at 4ºC to 5ºC while the freezer temperature is superior -15ºC to -18ºC
Australian meat in vacuum bags vacuum packaging is an effective method of storage for fresh or frozen red meat because it helps the freshness of the meat for a longer period of time if refrigerated or frozen. Cold meat stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator and can last up to two weeks in a vacuum bag or in the freezer if kept for a longer period. When the bag is opened, meat color will change from purple / red to pink vague / red.
Australian meat in a plastic bag or parcel tray Save retail red meat in the coldest part of the refrigerator, usually above or below the bottom shelf. Meat must be closed and drained to prevent loss of moisture technodom in the original packaging. Plastic will make red meat sweats, but, if you want to cook the meat on the same day you buy, no need to remove it from the plastic wrapping. However, if you plan to store premises

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