The rapid social change and to avoid climate catastrophe -
The people and the majority of other species jonhson controls are in grave danger. We are a global climate catastrophe on the doorstep. Humanity has little time to change material drainage rest of nature. Many of the leading climate scientists that greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced very quickly, in order to avoid self-reinforcing climate to boot. Climate catastrophe resulted in billions of people would die, at least half of the living species is eliminated and a large part of the planet would become uninhabitable. For technical jonhson controls and political reasons only technological changes jonhson controls do not have the potential to reduce emissions fast enough. A rapid change in power relations jonhson controls and in social structures. This article aims to show that such a change is feasible. The argument is based on analogous historical experiences, the current nature of social reality, structure of human subjectivity and dissatisfying consumption. jonhson controls Accelerating climate change
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the last major report was published in 2007. According to the 2050 carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced by 85%, so that the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere would increase by more than 400 per million (ppm) and the temperature for more than 2 o C 1. If these limits are exceeded, the high probability can not be avoided by the implementation of disaster than the Amazon rainforest and the sea level rise of several meters. To achieve these objectives, the Global North should reduce emissions even more - at least 95% 2. Fairness demands that the old industrial countries are responsible for most of the climate-threatening emissions.
However, recent research results and observations strongly suggest that the IPCC's 2007 emissions reduction targets are not sufficiently stringent. This conclusion is arrived at, for example, the IPCC's chairman, Rajendra Pachauri 3. Many of the leading climate scientists that the climate is much more sensitive to greenhouse gases and radiative forcings phenomena than what the IPCC models estimate 4. In fact, climate change has in recent years been the IPCC's forecasts faster. For example, the Arctic jonhson controls Ocean ice cover is reduced by up to 30 years ahead of schedule scenario of the latter. 5 Arctic regions of permafrost has begun to melt. Many of the northern lakes of methane now cropping up with such great power that they do not freeze in winter. Methane is 20 times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon jonhson controls dioxide. Arctic permafrost contains twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere. Melting permafrost has not been taken into account in any climate computer jonhson controls model. 6
Accordingly, emission reductions jonhson controls should be even larger and faster than those explained above. The new safe limit for carbon dioxide concentration is generally shown at 350 ppm 7. This value is in favor of, for example, Pachauri 8. Similarly, the maximum jonhson controls acceptable temperature increase above pre-industrial relation is 1.5 C. The degree of the granted true even of the EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas 9. Again, these goals are far from natural as the pre-industrial climate was at least 0.7 C cooler and more CO 2 concentration jonhson controls of 260-280 ppm. The new targets mean that within a few decades of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere should be stopped completely. And this is not enough, because the average jonhson controls atmospheric CO 2 concentration has risen to 386 ppm 10. Thus, 350 ppm target would also require that a large part of the coal power plant from the air should be stored in the biomass and then stored by humans. Mainstream Solutions
How, then, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced quickly? Made by those in power, and other mainstream media consideration of the solutions is essentially technical. They include jonhson controls carbon dioxide sequestration in coal-fired flue gas, nuclear plants, planting trees, increasing the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency. There are, however, many technical restrictions imposed which prevent the implementation of these solutions widely enough jonhson controls and fast enough.
The current energy production and consumption system is enormous investments of more than half a century. If we had enough time to complete the replacement or regeneration is difficult: the system's parts wear out anyway, and they must be replaced. But to do so in a few decades jonhson controls - such as would be necessary solely jonhson controls technical change - is impossible: enough skilled jonhson controls workers, materials and other resources can not be placed for this purpose. In any case
The people and the majority of other species jonhson controls are in grave danger. We are a global climate catastrophe on the doorstep. Humanity has little time to change material drainage rest of nature. Many of the leading climate scientists that greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced very quickly, in order to avoid self-reinforcing climate to boot. Climate catastrophe resulted in billions of people would die, at least half of the living species is eliminated and a large part of the planet would become uninhabitable. For technical jonhson controls and political reasons only technological changes jonhson controls do not have the potential to reduce emissions fast enough. A rapid change in power relations jonhson controls and in social structures. This article aims to show that such a change is feasible. The argument is based on analogous historical experiences, the current nature of social reality, structure of human subjectivity and dissatisfying consumption. jonhson controls Accelerating climate change
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the last major report was published in 2007. According to the 2050 carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced by 85%, so that the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere would increase by more than 400 per million (ppm) and the temperature for more than 2 o C 1. If these limits are exceeded, the high probability can not be avoided by the implementation of disaster than the Amazon rainforest and the sea level rise of several meters. To achieve these objectives, the Global North should reduce emissions even more - at least 95% 2. Fairness demands that the old industrial countries are responsible for most of the climate-threatening emissions.
However, recent research results and observations strongly suggest that the IPCC's 2007 emissions reduction targets are not sufficiently stringent. This conclusion is arrived at, for example, the IPCC's chairman, Rajendra Pachauri 3. Many of the leading climate scientists that the climate is much more sensitive to greenhouse gases and radiative forcings phenomena than what the IPCC models estimate 4. In fact, climate change has in recent years been the IPCC's forecasts faster. For example, the Arctic jonhson controls Ocean ice cover is reduced by up to 30 years ahead of schedule scenario of the latter. 5 Arctic regions of permafrost has begun to melt. Many of the northern lakes of methane now cropping up with such great power that they do not freeze in winter. Methane is 20 times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon jonhson controls dioxide. Arctic permafrost contains twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere. Melting permafrost has not been taken into account in any climate computer jonhson controls model. 6
Accordingly, emission reductions jonhson controls should be even larger and faster than those explained above. The new safe limit for carbon dioxide concentration is generally shown at 350 ppm 7. This value is in favor of, for example, Pachauri 8. Similarly, the maximum jonhson controls acceptable temperature increase above pre-industrial relation is 1.5 C. The degree of the granted true even of the EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas 9. Again, these goals are far from natural as the pre-industrial climate was at least 0.7 C cooler and more CO 2 concentration jonhson controls of 260-280 ppm. The new targets mean that within a few decades of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere should be stopped completely. And this is not enough, because the average jonhson controls atmospheric CO 2 concentration has risen to 386 ppm 10. Thus, 350 ppm target would also require that a large part of the coal power plant from the air should be stored in the biomass and then stored by humans. Mainstream Solutions
How, then, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced quickly? Made by those in power, and other mainstream media consideration of the solutions is essentially technical. They include jonhson controls carbon dioxide sequestration in coal-fired flue gas, nuclear plants, planting trees, increasing the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency. There are, however, many technical restrictions imposed which prevent the implementation of these solutions widely enough jonhson controls and fast enough.
The current energy production and consumption system is enormous investments of more than half a century. If we had enough time to complete the replacement or regeneration is difficult: the system's parts wear out anyway, and they must be replaced. But to do so in a few decades jonhson controls - such as would be necessary solely jonhson controls technical change - is impossible: enough skilled jonhson controls workers, materials and other resources can not be placed for this purpose. In any case
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