Someone turns the hour glass over, and with a deliberate, measured pace, you start creating as many words as possible. You try to ignore cheapest fridge freezers that little glass sitting in the middle of the table but after 10 seconds or so, you find yourself sneaking a peek at the sand, wondering how much sand is left.
Suddenly, you feel your heart speeding cheapest fridge freezers up, the adrenaline cheapest fridge freezers is kicking in, and you innately know: the sand is almost gone. You work feverishly to come up with as many words as you can before the sand has completely emptied into the bottom half of the hour glass. And then before you realize it, the top of the hour glass is empty and your time is up.
Other times, you lay your pencil down in frustration knowing that you just didn t have enough time to come up with more words. Or perhaps, it is the realization that the letters on the cubes were mostly constants and very few vowels, so the impossibility of the task is now staring you in the face.
Having suddenly found my normal energy levels of 50-80% plunge to the 20-40% bracket; I suddenly cheapest fridge freezers realized that my life has once again become the hour glass paradox . You see, I m always racing against the hour glass, trying to beat the sand instead of the sand beating me.
In reality, living with ME/CFS is always an hour glass paradox. The only difference is that the less energy my body produces, the more difficult the letters I find before me, thus, the more challenging the proposition of creating new words becomes.
It s not that the hour glass paradox doesn t exist when my body suddenly finds a way to create more energy. It s just that it is not as noticeable because I am given a lot more vowels in which to create more words.
I have played Boggle so often, that I can visually recall the little hour glass in my mind s eye. I can see the constant, measured flow of the sand as it saunters from the upper chamber of the glass to the bottom.
I was able to get the pan heated, the chicken in and the sautéing started when I peaked at the sand and realized it was almost gone. I could actually feel the energy sand in my body flowing from my head to my chest, through my arms, down through my legs. It was as if my body had morphed as one with the hour glass, and as the sand was lessening moment by moment, so was my energy reserve. And then it was gone.
I returned to the kitchen and added the rice, curry, cream and spices, mixing it all together. Then the hour glass returned. The energy sand flowed. This time the adrenaline kicked in and my body innately understood that I was trying to beat the sand. And then it was gone .
After some time, I went back to the kitchen, got myself a bowl of the chicken curry, stored the rest of it in the fridge and sat on my bed to eat. When I was done, I cleaned up the mess and loaded cheapest fridge freezers the dishwasher, always cognizant of sand that was flowing, faster it now seemed.
There was a sense that this time the emptying of the upper chamber would be a final one for the day. I was again racing against the sand, desperately trying to finish this one thing before cheapest fridge freezers the sand disappeared and beat me .
This entry was posted in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and tagged "myalgic Encephalomyelitis" , 4 walls and a view , crash , energy , fatigue , health , hour glass , journey , ME , paradox , symptom . Bookmark the permalink .
Anyway, I can totally relate to your analogy. cheapest fridge freezers The energy does noticably drain out of me. Mine leaves my legs first though. My first warning sign is that my legs get really heavy and harder to move. My head is the last to go. I can’t even count the number of times when I’ve been parked on the couch only able to move my eyes around. This illness is so bizzare. Baffled s last blog post .. Sick Humor- Pain Meds
Such an interesting way to describe our unpredictable energy. I’ve compared it to a financial budget – not enought $ too much month….. or I have thought/said my energy fits into a little nutshell and that is all I have when it is gone I must rest.. one other analogy. Comparing complete exhaustion to needing to be back on my charge pad, i.e. the couch (like a cordless phone, or digital camera, that need to be recharged)’ That is where the comparision ends though as my couch never fully recharges me- I just get another nutshell’s worth of energy.
This is a wonderful way to look at the amount of energy we have for the day. I know that saving half of the energy we have is how we store up and begin to regain energy from what I have read and learned…but it is so hard to do that. I am finding my energy levels are false right now due to adreneline surging. Does that ever happen to you? You think you are better than you are because cheapest fridge freezers it is adrenaline…I guess you described that already! cheapest fridge freezers Sorry you are in this place Dominique. It is more than unfair…Your insights are helping us all. Hugs and Prayers…Renee
I get adrenaline su
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