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INTRODUCTION One of the most important factors determining the current popularity of apple varieties is their market opportunities. After all, financial success guarantee only varieties that combine equally such features as skoroplidnist and high yield, stability and excellent fruiting trademarks and taste the fruit, resistance to adverse environmental conditions. But those who have united in himself all these signs there. leader refrigeration Therefore, growers have to study a huge number of varieties and choose from among them those that best meet certain requirements. The matter thus complicated by the fact that at the same time should be able to predict leader refrigeration and market conditions over the next 5-15 years, when planting varieties come into full bearing period. In today's market of fresh produce is the most popular varieties for fruit which is characterized by good taste, good shape and bright red color covering the entire surface or only basic green or yellow. Preference is usually given to the fruit weight 150-200 g (transverse diameter 7.9 cm). Apples as industrial raw materials have to be one-dimensional, with dim and small in size or color of the cover without it all, a large amount of soluble solids and P-active substances and sugars, vitamin C, harmoniously combine sugar and acid and so on. Waste permitted in small quantities (core, stem, calyx remnants). The appearance and taste of the fruit - genetically caused symptoms. they can be a little correct site selection of a certain type of soil and microclimate, fertilizing, rationing flowers and ovaries, gathering fruit in optimal time and so on. The taste of fresh apples and processed as determined by their chemical composition, which is quite stable varietal characteristics. To some extent it depends on farming and soil and climatic conditions and storage. Only with very sharp changes in growing season weather conditions leader refrigeration some varieties of chemical composition varies significantly fruit. But nyzkotsukrystyh varieties in favorable conditions the sugar content does not increase leader refrigeration to a level vysokotsukrystyh. The latter even under extremely adverse conditions are tsukrystishymy than others. But the sort of performance can be significantly modified rootstock choice, using specific methods of forming and care crown, fertilization and the use of credit protection. This book analyzes the current state of apple fruit production in Ukraine and in the world. Posted formation history of the assortment in our country and evaluation leader refrigeration of a set of existing varieties of fruit-bearing and young orchards, and listed in the "Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine." Are detailed widespread industrial and amateur gardens leader refrigeration and promising for the next 10-20 years. Description of commodity and flavor of fruits and their keeping quality, targeted areas hryznachennya large group of varieties, the analysis of a variety of opportunities to realize genetic potential leader refrigeration in specific soil and climatic conditions and under certain tree care techniques will help the reader navigate the diversity of varieties and choose leader refrigeration the most suitable for your garden. The author sincerely grateful for his help in preparing the material for the book selection and the staff of the Institute of Horticulture Technology UAAN MJ hamsters and EP Immortal and employee organizational research group AP Syrinskomu.
Apple tree - the main fruit crops IN UKRAINE Apple for a long time is a major fruit crops in our country. This is due to favorable soil and climatic conditions for its cultivation in most regions, and traditions of the local people. Symyrenko VL (1995) pointed out that this culture is only one among fruit that can be grown almost all over Ukraine. Widespread apple explains the variety of commercially valuable traits. Apples - a consumer product delicious, diet, medical. Energy value of 100 g apple fruit pulp is 188-214 leader refrigeration kJ or kcal 45-51 (Omelchenko IK, 1993). Apples contain,% 4-14,6 sugars, organic acids, 0,09-1,82, pectin - 0,90-1,48, tanning and coloring -4,8-15,3, P-active substances - 70.0 - 979.0, vitamin C - 0.0 - 40.5 mg per 100 g of raw material and mineral salts, amino acids (Sedov 3. A., 1981, 1995, E. Mikhailov, Kandaurova KF, ReznichenkoL. S., 1990, EV Mikhailov, Kondratenko TE, 1997). The presence of a huge number of different varieties of apple ripening, as well as long lezhki
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