Saturday, July 5, 2014

In contrast to starfish and snake stars, sea urchins (Echinoidea) skope does not have lengan.Tubuh

Phylum Echinodermata generally live in the sea with the main feature of the prickly skin. Bersimetri radial body, almost always pentamerous or divided into five sections. His body triploblastik selomata with oral and aboral surface without head clear and not segmented. Moderate to large body size and no microscopic size. There is a round body shape to the cylindrical shape of the hand or a simple branching. Smooth body surfaces rather closed five rooms in a groove notched radiating symmetry called ambulakral. Body wall consists skope of epidermis outer side, in the middle of the dermis, and the peritoneum on the inside. Having Endoskeleton composed of plates that make up the shell, usually called skope the theca or test that is composed of ossikula-ossikula separate small. Coelom bounded skope by the peritoneum which is occupied by the digestive system and reproduction. Having skope a water vessel or system ambulakral made of fluid-filled tubes.
Its body has a prickly skin. Lives in the sea. Bilaterally symmetric body shape (larvae) and radial symmetry (adult), not segmented. Has a drainage skope system called ambulakral system using foot movements ambulakral that is the end of the channel ambulakral, there is also a sedentary life (a colony). Respiratory system and excretion performed by papules (bumps in between the plates and thin-walled skope limestone which is a continuation of the coelom). The nervous system consists of a circular nerve ring surrounding the esophagus and branching toward the arm. Complete digestive tract, there are some species that do not have anus. The genitals skope apart and fertilization outside (external). Having a high power regeneration.
In contrast to starfish and snake stars, sea urchins (Echinoidea) skope does not have lengan.Tubuh urchin shaped somewhat like a round ball with a hard calcareous shell and filled with thorns. The spikes is lined in longitudinal lines and can move. The mouth is located at the bottom facing down and the anus lies above the face up at the top of the rounded shell. skope
Diadema setosum have characteristics of black with a black-colored skope spines that also extends upwards to self-defense while the short lower part as a means of movement. It has 5 white dots on the top and is located in between skope segments each 1 spot.
Urchins body itself consists of three parts, namely the oral, aboral, and between oral and aboral parts. At the center of the aboral side of the system are at the center of the apical and oral side there peristomial skope system. Ambulakral plates and interambulakral system is between apical and peristomial system. In the middle of the apical system and peristomial system including the anal canal is surrounded by a number of pieces of anal (periproct) including the genital pieces. One of the pieces among the largest sized genital bermuaranya is where the water vascular system (waste vascular system). This system characterizes the phylum Echinodermata, function in movement, feeding, respiration, and excretion. While the system is contained in the peristomial skope membrane attachment of the skin where the organ "aristotle lantern", which serves as a sort of jaw crusher cutlery and food. This organ is also able to cut the barnacle shell, mollusk or other types of sea urchins. Around the mouth of irregular urchins order Cidaroidea except there are five pairs of gills are small and thin-walled.
Body urchins have one main cavity containing Aristotle lantern and digestive organs. Aristotle lantern consists of five pieces of gear that are united by a substance berkampur and surrounded by muscle stretching and towing. This muscle acts regulate tooth movement. Aristotle lantern serves as the mouth and teeth are in charge of taking, skope cutting and smoothing food, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine and anus Aristotle lantern arranged to form a circle the digestive system.
Locomotor foot on a sea urchin amburakral (leg veins) or a water vascular system. The sea water that enters the channel system is used to sticking a large number of tube feet. There is no drain tube feet Latera. At the outer end of the leg there (disc) suction, skope while the inside is shaped like a ball ampulla. Suction disc serves to attach to Substat and holding food. Sea Urchin runs by way of celebrating. Sea Urchin nervous system consists of a ring and nerve cords, nerve ring around the mouth there, while the nerve cord leading to each leg ambrurakral While sea urchin respiratory system takes place through the body surface.
Among the spines and gills are protrusions such as ca

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