Thursday, May 29, 2014

choose what we want. You have the right to the classics, ini have the right to modernism. (In terms

26/05/2014 walkin cooler Tomas Weiss
A nice book is Brak
Shorts walkin cooler double V
A few short messages from home and abroad. Books, medals, births and wit. Artforum walkin cooler publisher going after Krištůfková Atlas of oblivion and Rankovově On the other hand, other texts. He tries to take you unexpectedly thriller. But the French. Author Franck Thilliez, the name of the syndrome E. Then it is the turn of poetry titled Catherine Kucbelová Vie, what will he do. And the memory of the American diplomat in Slovakia in the years 1990 - 1993 .... I like the message - in the UK this year to sell most of vinyl records since 2001. From my perspective, it's a signal that says I will not let it upset tons of digi music, sound zpotvořené mp3 format quickly accessible, walkin cooler fast listening, quickly deleted, music, and after that left no trace either in the head or in the apartment. Buy from time to time vinyl record, I put it on the turntable, sit down and listen to music from loudspeakers good. What does the return of vinyl to the world of books? What about that digisvět and books to each tuple not already. ... British singer Morrissey released walkin cooler his Autobiography. In Britain, it is an event of extraordinary importance. Vegetarian bisexual and has iconic status in Britain since the days of The Smiths, which he co-founded. The 457 pages of the book which is estimated to become one of Britain's best-selling Christmas book he writes about all his subjects: from animal protection to the love of men and women. In English ... just based on the last part of the trilogy Murakami's 1Q84. Who přelouskal the first two, not some other option than to buy. For starters, she said the sale EUROMEDIA 20,000 copies. CZ ... In time came the rejection of state awards. Indeed: receive medals from those who are currently giving away a disgrace. The medal is the anniversary of the Republic this year nominated and Vladimir Mišík and Jiri Suchy. Both have strongly appreciate it. In my eyes have been infinitely decorate. I would be very pleased if Medal from the Society of feline paws rejected. A poor poet Petr Hruska walkin cooler and music journalist Jiri Cerny. At the turn is waiting for the State Prize. Can one actually from that country, walkin cooler which is now in CZ, leave with a clear conscience compliment? In the Czech Radio ... Do not say that Nazism and Communism are criminal movement. Recently he tried Czech Archbishop Duka. In response to that, he was threatened with that of the return of church property, to which the State has signed a contract shall be subsequently removed objects Church at Prague Castle, the bishop began to describe quite annoyed by the fact that if it happens, it is a signal for him that returns the red flags and hammers and sickles. walkin cooler The show's presenter interrupted him with that violates the election code of Czech Radio. What kind of idiotic walkin cooler earnestness the hell you play, rozhlasáci! walkin cooler Publishing 65 field ... prepares walkin cooler a book of interviews between Tomas Sedlacek (yes, the guy who wrote Ekonomiii good and evil), and U.S. anachristou David Graeber (yes, those he was one of the activists Ocuppy). On the book to look forward walkin cooler to. The topic to be simply put: You will need to have our economy walkin cooler and society walkin cooler revolution or evolution is sufficient to fix. I would not advocate for evolutionary possibility, although sometimes, especially when I see the faces of some slimy, seeking around walkin cooler him some cobblestones. Piussi ... Lucy was born Francis of Assisi. All are healthy. I salute and I wish you all good. And finally ... thematically joke. They say little Gretel that the stork brings her siblings. Gretel sadly looks at the father: Daddy, Daddy, you're such a pretty mommy and souložíš with čápama.
in the case of Gutenberg The mixtures tiez heard that the letterpress and books belong to each other. :) Dolzeite is reading itself, not medium, which encourages the reading. We understand that you'll digi books do not have to pry, but spew sulfur on all sides not is how to (not) change the world.
Repeatedly ... talk about the speed of the world reading (listening to music) does not indicate, yes, more and more people are reading and listening ... and watching ... but it's not reading what I mean ... the analogy with digi music came to me ... because mp3 can be sure to listen to, but something in them will be lost ... you've never heard: if you really want something to read, I have to print the screen harder to concentrate walkin cooler ... .
choose what we want. You have the right to the classics, ini have the right to modernism. (In terms of technology, not genre) all have their for and against. kum is both is good. I do not think the book is extinguished in the paper. skor However, when Pradey will be on demand as the default option. who wants to pay a few euros sk eBook and in those of the remaining par bookstores him professionally driven out (on neroznanie from today's walkin cooler professional printouts) and most will have a numerator x millions of options as it wants to displace. (Font size, font type, paper quality, binding type, ...) will be better than what Mr. Weiss sees it. :)
Digi world, and books or music to fall apart, even if you like it, Mr. Weiss, dislike. Of course you have the right, only the hateful propaganda your words very strongly devalued. No longer would you have to behold walkin cooler You

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