Globalized world economy. Placing multinationals. The essence of regionalization and internationalization of the economy. Modern economic revolution and trends in the distribution of productive forces. Global city formation and cities - entrepreneurs. Center and periphery in the distribution of productive forces.
The realization that humanity has entered the era of globalism and faces a fundamentally new challenges for themselves, began in the late 1960s, cofriset reports of the famous Club of Rome and was extended in the 1970's in the mainstream environmentalists works on sustainable development. The content cofriset of globalization is heterogeneous in origin areas of manifestation, mechanisms and consequences of processes that allows us to treat globalization as a qualitatively independent, complex system phenomena and relations, integrated into its systems, but internally protyrichnu. The literature points to several sources visible the processes that together form the phenomenon of globalization.
adverse environmental and economic consequences of other person on the planet who have achieved in the second half of the XX century. scales that are dangerous not only because it depleted non-renewable natural resources, but mutations throughout the Earth's biosphere, including humans, the effects of which are difficult to predict;
development of communication infrastructures and relationships that lead to a high degree of social interconnections and interdependence cofriset of the world. cofriset Compression of time and space through the development of new means of transport and communication leads to the fact that the distance has no meaning, it has become a social product. Conventional devices Mobile Phone, fax, laptop, player, credit cards allow a person to participate in the social life at a distance;
access to the international arena hlobalitetiv, which refers to the subjects of world economics and politics (transnational cofriset collegiate, States, intergovernmental organizations), the convergence of interests, abilities and capabilities required by them and allows them to operate globally in one or more areas of life.
Economic globalization - a process cofriset of retraction of the world economy, which is understood as a collection of national economies cofriset linked by international division of labor, cofriset economic and political relations in the market and the close intertwining of their economies. She performed at the macroeconomic level, which means the common aspiration of the countries and regions to individual economic activity beyond its borders. Signs of such aspirations: liberalization, deregulation and privatization, the removal of trade and investment barriers, the creation of free enterprise and so on. At the microeconomic level by globalization refers to expansion of business beyond the domestic market. Betweencountries cofriset integration processes lead to a reduction in uneven distribution of income among different groups of countries in the international community.
The main role in the globalization play hlobalitety, which include nation states, transnational capital (multinational corporations and banks), and large cities and metropolitan areas, blocks of countries, international organizations and individual businessmen offshore - transnational. Each of these elements may be involved in a number corresponding to global processes. Hlobalitety as transnational agents of action is poorly linked to the nation - the state in which they deploy their activities.
States have all the necessary means of struggle for economic power of the financial and information to law enforcement, though, of course, very different in their economic cofriset and military power, the role of the global economy, foreign cofriset policy exercised and models of organization. Thus the movement of capital, goods, and ideas are not regulated by central management, and supply and demand. This encourages rapid productivity growth, trade and national income.
The most significant participant in the globalization of transnational capital. Most have had a very peculiar system of world order, in which transnational capital controls up to half the world's industrial output, 60% of foreign trade and about 90% of patents and licenses for new equipment, technology and know-how.
Transnational corporations (TNCs) - is functioning in stock form major financial, commercial, scientific, technical, trade and service associations that carry out operations in the country deployment and beyond. They set the stage of formation of international production with a single information space, international capital markets and labor, scientific and technical services. The main role in globalization owned multinational corporations in North America, Western Europe and Japan, the countries cofriset of TNCs in these regions provide release 80% of the total production of all TNCs which there are about 60 thousand main (parent) companies and more than 500 thousand of them Foreign branches and affinirovanyh (dependent) companies around cofriset the world. their economic activity has become a global harakt
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