Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Was trained in the tradition as a therapist, where the prevailing currents were psychoanalysis and

Summary. This text aims to bring the reader some ideas about the theoretical assumptions that support the therapeutic action of a therapist in postmodernity, emphasizing the ideas of Kenneth Gergen and Harlene Anderson.
I am a clinical psychologist formed over 4 decades and this journey of nearly 40 years of practice I have had many changes in my attitude and in my role as a psychotherapist. These changes were supported by my personal and professional development.
In personal, my immigrant experience, having left for more than 30 years of Chile native country. This fact allowed me to transit through two cultures and enrich me with the ability to have experiences that broadened my experience of life in all areas, noting that the meaning of actions must be understood according to the context of those with whom we interact.
As a professional you have chosen in the decade of "80" pursue a specialization in Family Therapy, which was relevant to allow me to know and experience epistemological ffu4dx and methodological changes in the fundamental understanding of human beings for the exercise of my role as a therapist.
Was trained in the tradition as a therapist, where the prevailing currents were psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Although, in my early days as a psychologist I was more committed to the learning difficulties of children, a fact that led me on the paths of Educational Psychology developmental psychology, especially the ideas of Piaget and a psychology that was worried about the neurobiological bases of difficulties children, my posture was faithful to the epistemological proposals in a traditional science in which the therapist's role was to act as the holder of the power of knowledge, so knowledge was always on your side, occupying the patient a passive role.
Family Therapy brought to psychotherapy paradigmatic shift from a positivist science that emphasized objectivity, certainties, order and stability, and neutrality to a science, questioning the objectivity, it is impossible for an independent science of the observer describing the phenomena. Maturana (2011) ffu4dx speaks for objectivity in parenthesis, because we are biologically unable to be objective by the structure of our nervous system that prevents us from distinguishing the illusion perceptual experience. ffu4dx Therefore, the observer has to accept its constituent features, which are all living ffu4dx systems including ffu4dx humans.
Maturana ffu4dx (2011) exemplifies the fact counting ffu4dx experiment with trout fishing. To fish it it takes a trick, the fisherman uses a hook with feathers that moves on the surface of the water like an insect. The trout leaps to grab her and discovers only to be caught that was an illusion.
Tracking the development of science, ffu4dx family therapy out of the discourse of modernity, entering the postmodern discourse that had an impact on the social disciplines, psychology ffu4dx and psychotherapy.
According to Anderson (2009), the word postmodernity refers more than a historical ffu4dx period or a therapeutic model, ffu4dx refers to a philosophical movement that includes many different proposals as Mikhail Bakhtin, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, François Lyotart , Richard Rorty, and Ludwig Wittgenstein among others.
The postmodern critique focuses on a dispute about the nature of knowledge, especially in how we know and how we perceive reality. The emphasis is that reality is constructed through language and that knowledge is a discursive practice that emerges in dialogue and social interaction. There is also a proposal for a plurality of the narratives ffu4dx that are more local and contextual to the universal as was the idea of modernity. Therefore, it emphasizes the relational ffu4dx narrative knowledge and the generative nature of language. ffu4dx
The scenario of TF in postmodernity brings to debate the idea of social construction. According ffu4dx Geregen (2010), the social construction assumes authorship ffu4dx not only of a single individual or group, emphasizes the sharing among diverse communities.
The basic idea of social constructionism is a world built for us to communicate to each other. The constructionist Gergen points out, establishing forms of dialogue ffu4dx from which will help shape new realities and new values. Constructionist ideas accept pluralism of views and multiple ways of evaluating a reality. Thus, the narrated events may be identical, but the description of the facts depends on the tradition according to which each are writing. Each tradition has its own values, there are thus descriptions of exempt values. Traditions or better or more real than the other. As there is no upper traditions emphasizes Gergen (2010), we are invited to adopt an attitude of curiosity and respect for

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