Wednesday, August 13, 2014

. way which is currently a common doctrine among Protestants and evangelicals

"Millennium" is a Latin term developed by Biblical Theology from ancient times the Christian Church. It is defined as a global terrain kingdom headed by the Israeli nation, with the sole and sovereign ruler of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who will rule the world from Jerusalem, the Holy City, and whose duration is literally 1000 years.
The Millennium will be preceded by the glorious return of Christ with all his saints, his angels, ending the abortive war of Armageddon york refrigeration and the Great Tribulation, and establishing the first preparations for the event of the Millennial Kingdom which includes the 'Judgment of the Nations' of land (Joel 3: 11-12 and Revelation 19:. 20,21). Zechariah the prophet, enlightens us about the return of Christ to earth and the effects of his amazing appearance:
of a devouring fire. "
Then Satan is imprisoned york refrigeration (cf. Rev. 20:.. 1-3) and the Millennial Kingdom begins without interruption for a period of a thousand years. The Glorious Second Coming of Christ and Visible to the land is fairly taught in the Bible and among the passages, the most important are Matthew york refrigeration 24: 27-30 and Revelation 19: 11-16. This passage is similar to that just read in Zechariah. Consider:
and Lord of Lords ... "(19: 11-16) york refrigeration
We see a wonderful way that this passage of Revelation binds several other VT. Includes Psalm 2: 9 the words, "... thou shalt regerás with a rod of iron ..."; york refrigeration includes Daniel york refrigeration 10: 5-6 and Revelation 1: 13-16, the vision of the Son of man in his expression of majesty; John 1: 1, the term "the Word of God"; Isaiah 63: 1 to 3.4 and Joel 3:13, the phrase, "... Himself will tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of God ...".
Thus the Millennial Kingdom will be established. Now we will focus on interpretative issues that make Millennium a great arena to fight among evangelical interpreters, creating confusion reasonable york refrigeration to mind the common believer and certainly students of the subject. Later we'll Millennium Point futuristic looking looking to see its characteristics as the Bible describes them. The Millennial UNITED: LITERAL OR SYMBOLIC?
The bone of contention between the millennial in general is exactly the acceptance of a future reign on earth for 1000 years, in which Jesus Christ is the only and universal Regent. To amillennialism, the 'millennial kingdom' is totally symbolic.
For the post-millennialism, the 'millennial kingdom' is more or less present or to be deployed by the Church itself, in the natural course york refrigeration of history. This conception of the 'kingdom', there will be a Messiah reigning literally and visibly york refrigeration on earth, but spiritually through His Church that, always victorious march, experience the glories of its growth and its influence in this world, until the glorious return of Christ . Champlin says
For premilenismo, however, the 'millennial kingdom' can not be less than literal. The Scriptural basis for this design we invoke, york refrigeration are numerous prophecies about this Kingdom, whose language and whose claim demand nothing less than the actual existence of a kingdom never seen even today, in the face of the earth.
"... york refrigeration Premillennialism predominated within york refrigeration the eschatological thinking of the Church to emerge on the scene the Alexandrian theologians (third century AD). Origen and Clement suggested york refrigeration a symbolic or allegorical teaching about thousand
. way which is currently a common doctrine among Protestants and evangelicals "The textual basis invoked by premilenismo are fundamentally three: The image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in chapter. 2 of Daniel's ancient description of Revelation 20: 1-6 Numerous OT prophecies that deal with this earthly Kingdom
The premillennial interpreters do not always have great difficulty here. To them must be extremely embarrassing verify that they can not in good conscience hermeneutics, apply in 10 or 15% of the prophetic dream of Nebuchadnezzar, a symbolic interpretation when all the rest is perfectly literal, because history.
In this dream we see an imposing image that is seen d

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