Saturday, December 6, 2014

Selfie by dogs, the best of 2014 -...

Pregnancy in dogs is a very delicate moment, and usually lasts from 58 to 63 days. An extension of this period, in fact, is a sign of problems related to unfavorable environmental conditions, such as excessive noise, or the presence of disorder in the place chosen by the bitch to give birth, or the so-called sandstrom fridge freezer syndrome of the puppy single, sandstrom fridge freezer in which the baby grows beyond the availability of oxygen provided by the placenta and becomes ipovitale (or dies). Dog pregnancy symptoms
Among the most common symptoms, pregnant dog, there are hypertrophy of the breasts sandstrom fridge freezer and the appearance of milk. Now is the moment of birth, the animal may experience muscle tremors, tachypnea, and occasionally vomiting due to the state of agitation and compression of the pregnant uterus on the stomach.
The first fetus should be expelled within 2 hours of the start of contractions and the amount of time that must elapse between the expulsion of a puppy and the other should not exceed 60 minutes (average is 30 minutes); But you have to consider that there may be cases where even much longer intervals (up to 4 hours) are not considered abnormal, especially sandstrom fridge freezer in small dogs as Pug, Yorkshire, Chihuahua, Pinscher, etc. for which should also be evaluated by your veterinarian sandstrom fridge freezer the possibility of a caesarean section.
Same goes if you disorders l 'animal sandstrom fridge freezer with continuous visits and noise, which can also make stop delivery and ensure that the bitch rims new quietest places where to give birth. In principle, however, a birth should not last more than 24 hours.
With the expulsion of small, usually also has a drain greenish sandstrom fridge freezer and smelly. It will then be the mother to free the puppies from the placenta, which will eat, and to sever the umbilical cord with his teeth. Finished to give birth the bitch tends to relax and look again the presence of the owner, who must not touch the puppies to avoid r eazioni aggressive by the mother.
It 's time of birth of your bitch? Do not panic. Let's see what to do, how to help the dog to give birth, the duration sandstrom fridge freezer and the stages of this exciting sandstrom fridge freezer moment [...] How to help the dog to give birth: symptoms and management of labor
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60% of female dogs not spayed undergoes a hysterical pregnancy, also known as false or pseudopregnancy. It is a very common condition that therefore must not put [...] The power of the dog in pregnancy sandstrom fridge freezer
Good nutrition and a balanced diet are essential elements for the dog's health at every stage of his life. In pregnancy is essential to pay further attention to what [...] dystocia, difficult delivery in the dog
Selfie by dogs, the best of 2014 -...

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